Travis & Kristina part II – Virginia Beach

Photo shoots with friends are always a blast.  Travis & Kristina are getting ready to tie the knot in under a month from now…. and Me & Melanie can not wait.  Travis is a bit of a goof, but hey…. so am I.  However, he provided the entertainment on this shoot and of course a little provoking by me and the camera…… “go ahead Travis do it, it’ll be funny!”  So Travis did the scene from the Gladiator in the wheat fields asking us if we were not entertained, gave Kristina his “Hot Cake” pose and found a statue girlfriend at Baja’s.  No Travis you can’t buy it off e-bay.  Kristina just sits there and shakes her head, Travis got a laugh out of her from time to time. Well, enjoy the pictures you two I had a fun time as usual.

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